====== Ping Tester ====== This is an anonymized version of a remote printer ping tester I (Matt S.) made. It allows you to select which location to test and will test the VPN router and printer IP addresses and return a plain English answer if the connections are up or down. ===== Batch File Code ===== @echo off title VPN Ping Test :start cls echo Which location do you want to test? echo ___________________________________ echo 1. Location1 echo 2. Location2 echo 3. EXIT echo ... set /p choice="Enter a number and press ENTER:" if "%choice%"=="1" goto test-location1 if "%choice%"=="2" goto test-location2 if "%choice%"=="3" exit echo Invalid choice: %choice% echo . pause cls goto start :test-location1 echo Checking Location1... ping -n 1 >nul if errorlevel 1 ( cls echo Location1 VPN is DOWN! echo Hit ENTER to test another conection. pause>nul goto start ) cls echo Location1 VPN is UP ping -n 1 >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Location1 PRINTER is DOWN! echo Hit ENTER to test another conection. pause>nul goto start ) echo Location1 PRINTER is UP echo Hit ENTER to test another conection. pause>nul goto start :test-location2 echo Checking Location2... ping -n 1 >nul if errorlevel 1 ( cls echo Location2 VPN is DOWN! echo Hit ENTER to test another conection. pause>nul goto start ) cls echo Location2 VPN is UP ping -n 1 >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Location2 PRINTER is DOWN! echo Hit ENTER to test another conection. pause>nul goto start ) echo Location2 PRINTER is UP echo Hit ENTER to test another conection. pause>nul goto start