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Make Predetermined Set of Directories

This batch file will create a predetermined set of directories/folders in the working directory.

Working Directory is the directory in which it resides, or a directory that has been dragged and dropped onto the BAT file.

@echo off

title Make Common Directories

cd /d "%1"
mkdir "%cd%\NewDirectory1"
mkdir "%cd%\NewDirectory2"
mkdir "%cd%\NewDirectory3"
mkdir "%cd%\NewDirectory4"

NewDirectory# is whatever names you need the folders to be. My usage of this batch is to create folders to sort invoices into by who I need to email them to. I create the same set of four folders every week so I found a way to shorten this mundane task.

wiki/windows/batch/make_dir_set.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/13 15:54 by