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System Info Generator

This script will dump the results of a few system information commands into a text file. By default it creates a folder named 'sand' on the root of C: and names the txt doc based on the computer name. Depending on permissions, it might error out on some server environments.

@echo off
mkdir -p C:\sand
cd C:\sand
@echo %computername% > %computername%_info.txt
ver >> %computername%_info.txt
@echo ------ System Info ------ >> %computername%_info.txt
systeminfo >> %computername%_info.txt
@echo ------ Running Services ------ >> %computername%_info.txt
net start >> %computername%_info.txt
@echo ------ Installed Programs ------- >> %computername%_info.txt
nul wmic /APPEND:"C:\sand\%computername%_info.txt" product get name,version
wiki/windows/batch/sysinfo.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/09 17:55 by matt