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wmh:stores:links [2018/05/28 14:42] mattwmh:stores:links [2018/05/29 14:08] (current) matt
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 ====== Wargaming Stores ====== ====== Wargaming Stores ======
-Here is a list of wargaming stores in no particular order. Some of these will cater specifically to Warmahordes and some might not cater at all to WMH, but have some cool stuff that might be useful.+Here is a list of wargaming stores in no particular order. Some of these will cater specifically to Warmahordes and some might not cater at all to WMH, but have some cool stuff that might be useful. This list is not exhaustive or anything, just places that strike me as of some quality.
 ^Website^Minis^Terrain^Accessories^Comments^ ^Website^Minis^Terrain^Accessories^Comments^
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 ^[[|Warsenal]]|No|Yes|Yes|They cater more to Infinity, but have some WMH stuff and a few neat things even we can use.| ^[[|Warsenal]]|No|Yes|Yes|They cater more to Infinity, but have some WMH stuff and a few neat things even we can use.|
 ^[[|Death Ray Designs]]|No|Yes|Yes|Even though they cater to 40K and others more directly, their stuff is too neat to not be aware of.| ^[[|Death Ray Designs]]|No|Yes|Yes|Even though they cater to 40K and others more directly, their stuff is too neat to not be aware of.|
-^[[]]|No|Yes|No|Totally caters to Star Wars Legion exclusively, but cools stuff non the less.|+^[[|Imperial Terrain]]|No|Yes|No|Totally caters to Star Wars Legion exclusively, but cools stuff non the less.|
 ^[[|Laser Terrain Co.]]|No|Yes|No|Another SciFi exclusive outlet, but thier new plastic kits are awesome.| ^[[|Laser Terrain Co.]]|No|Yes|No|Another SciFi exclusive outlet, but thier new plastic kits are awesome.|
 ^[[|4Ground]]|No|Yes|Yes|UK Based company that is kind of the top of the heap in MDF kits. Good bit of stuff that works for WMH as well.| ^[[|4Ground]]|No|Yes|Yes|UK Based company that is kind of the top of the heap in MDF kits. Good bit of stuff that works for WMH as well.|
wmh/stores/links.1527532962.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/28 14:42 by matt